Online Business Top 12 Buzzwords

Buzzword: “A word or a phrase which has become fashionable or popular, or sounds technical or important and is used to impress people” This is one of the many available definitions for “buzzword”. Different from buzzwords in the general usage, many E-Commerce buzzwords do have a meaning and describe a method or technical description of [...]

Online Business Top 12 Buzzwords2018-11-26T21:13:12+01:00

Sell online abroad: The main aspects to watch, Part 2

How to present your offer abroad Not only big companies are thinking about selling online abroad, small and medium sized companies can expand their business too. In fact, there is no other possible way as promising as online! Especially the European countries are the first destination for Greek companies to offer their products. This is [...]

Sell online abroad: The main aspects to watch, Part 22018-11-26T21:13:07+01:00

Sell online abroad: The main aspects to watch, Part 1

Not only big companies are thinking about selling abroad, small and medium sized companies can expand their business too. In fact, there is no other possible way as promising as online! Especially the European countries are the first destination for Greek companies to offer their products. This is true for selling to customers, called B2C [...]

Sell online abroad: The main aspects to watch, Part 12018-11-26T21:13:04+01:00

5 προωθητικές συμβουλές νέων online επιχειρήσεων για να επιζήσουν το 1ο έτος

[1] Μιλήστε με τους πελάτες σας, νωρίς και συχνά...και μη σταματάτε! Έχετε μιαιδέα...θυσιάστε χρόνο για να τη αξιολογήσετε και να βελτιστοποιήσετε το τρόπο -μορφή με τον οποίο θα παρέχετε αυτή τη καινούρια υπηρεσία ή προϊόν. Ο μόνος τρόπος για να γίνει αυτό είναι να μιλήσετε με τους πελάτες σας, τους πιθανούςαγοραστές της ιδέας σας. Ρωτήστε [...]

5 προωθητικές συμβουλές νέων online επιχειρήσεων για να επιζήσουν το 1ο έτος2018-11-26T21:13:35+01:00
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